Wednesday, 4 March 2015

'The universe will provide' …curve balls!

I'm really not one of these people who think in airy-fairy terms, and I generally poo poo 'the universe will provide' kind of guff.

I'm a firm believer in getting down and doing it for yourself, but occasionally fate, the ether or whatever you wish to call it, throws me a curve ball, just when I need it.

Meeting my hubby was one of those curve balls. At the time I lived abroad, and my relationship there had just evaporated, along with the guy, but what I'd been left with was my dog Chrissie (his originally, but he up and left her too). When I decided to return to England Chrissie came too, and to pay for the quarantine kennels, there were no pet passports then, I had to get a second job. That job was working in the Ritzy nightclub in Bolton, and my now hubby was one of the 19 strong doormen that worked there.

Ta-dah. Curve ball.

If the ex hadn't buggered off, or if he decided to take Chrissie with him when he did, I would never in a million years have met the love of my life, which he is, though I don't tell him enough (oooh mushy bluurgh, I don't do mushy). So what was a pretty crushing sh*tty time of uncertainty became a blessing.

I've thought of this a number of times over the past 21 years, especially when I hear Garth Brooks' song Unanswered Prayers, which is about how if he'd had his prayers answered about a certain girl when he was younger, he'd have never met his wife (yes, I know he now has different wife than the one he originally sang about, but that's beside the point).
In the song he clocks this up to God, but I prefer the vagueness of something that we cannot comprehend like power, fate, destiny, ether, spirit etc.

A couple of other times curve balls have come my way, and yesterday I'm pretty sure another one appeared (I can't be completely sure until the future becomes as I imagine) that I hope will send my life off into a different direction, and like the last ones it has arrived just at the moment I was giving up on dreams, and getting disheartened with my future.

Maybe there is something to this 'the universe will provide' kind of guff, hmmmmm.


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